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My Journey of Self Love


I spent most of my life unaware that many aspects of self were actually my intuition. I encountered a lot of trauma in childhood and throughout my later years which created huge masks and walls around my heart and my energy. This blocked me from seeing ‘who I was’ and connecting with self. I was too attached to the pain to allow my true self to be seen. 

Day after day, I realized I was tired of hurting, I was sick of not being happy, and I was so buried in unhealthy patterns and self sabotaging beliefs that I knew something had to change. Then rock bottom hit, hard and fast and I was swallowed up in the depths of my own internal nightmare but in that rock bottom a deep process of surrender happened and life started changing. The universe began placing people and situations in my path that matched my intentions for change.

Slowly, day by day, the magic started to unfold and I began a journey of finding myself and healing my wounds, which also started the process of 'loving self'. 

I was not aware that 'self love' was something we needed to do, I was hardly even aware of what love meant at all but my journey of self taught meditation started allowing me to listen to my guidance.

Life began opening up around me, and within me. Possibilities, change, growth and so much self awareness was presenting itself. Movement started happening, very quickly for me, which led me to opening up my own relationship with self, which is the foundation for everything in life. 

This journey of loving myself and learning how to heal my deep rooted trauma led me to reading cards for myself.  The cards assisted me in the healing process and the more this took place, the deeper my intuition became. This all led to reading for others and also opening me up to my mediumship abilities which I had suppressed in childhood due to a fear based environment.

I have dedicated many years to assisting others in self empowerment, and taking charge of their own happiness and healing, while continuing to strive to be the best version of myself. It is rewarding beyond words.

We do not stop growing. We do not stop healing. We do not stop loving. We must choose it every single day. That is where true empowerment shines through. Its one moment at a time, one day at a time. It doesn't always look perfect or feel great but the ability to accept the good, the bad and the ugly is the ultimate self love.

DISCLAIMER: I, Nicole Marie, am not a medical doctor or a psychologist, nor do I carry any sort of license to practice medicine.  I do not diagnose, cure, heal, treat disease or otherwise prescribe medication. All healing is self healing. I assist people with their own ability to tune into their body. This process can allow the connection and discovery of the body's  innate natural healing energy.  I recommend that clients continue to see their regular medical doctors and follow their advice. The work that I do does not take the place of conventional medicine or treatment for any medical or psychological condition. If you are in need of medical treatment, diagnosis, or psychological care, you should seek the proper licensed physician or healthcare professional. My work is spiritually based as I believe all healing is done from within our own energy system. My spiritual work is not for everyone, nor does it have the same results or outcome for everyone. I do not make any guarantees, warranties, or promises in regards to the results or outcome of my spiritual work.

© 2023 NC with 

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