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July Specials

Past Life Spread

This is an email reading.


Card 1.  Past life that may be blocking you.

Card 2.  Main theme/challenge in that life.

Card 3.  Past life impact on the present.

Card 4.  Past life impact on the future.

Card 5.  How to overcome blocks.

Special $52

Healing Within

This is an email reading.

This reading will bring forward inner blocks, limiting beliefs, unhealthy patterns etc that can allow you to start (or deepen) your healing journey. 


 Special $42

Fur Baby Reading

This is an email reading


Card 1) Why they came into my life

Card 2) Message they are trying to convey

Card 3) What does my pet need from me


Special $42

DISCLAIMER: I, Nicole Marie, am not a medical doctor or a psychologist, nor do I carry any sort of license to practice medicine.  I do not diagnose, cure, heal, treat disease or otherwise prescribe medication. All healing is self healing. I assist people with their own ability to tune into their body. This process can allow the connection and discovery of the body's  innate natural healing energy.  I recommend that clients continue to see their regular medical doctors and follow their advice. The work that I do does not take the place of conventional medicine or treatment for any medical or psychological condition. If you are in need of medical treatment, diagnosis, or psychological care, you should seek the proper licensed physician or healthcare professional. My work is spiritually based as I believe all healing is done from within our own energy system. My spiritual work is not for everyone, nor does it have the same results or outcome for everyone. I do not make any guarantees, warranties, or promises in regards to the results or outcome of my spiritual work.

© 2023 NC with 

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